
Our last Ofsted Inspection was in March 2022 when Netherbrook Primary School was judged to be a good school.

Some of the comments from the report include:

Netherbrook Primary is a warm and friendly school at the heart of its community.
Pupils are polite and respectful and conduct themselves well in and around the
school. They enjoy school and feel safe. Pupils know that adults care about them
and look after them well.

Leaders have high expectations of pupils. They encourage pupils to persevere and
try their best at all times. Pupils present their work neatly and readily help their
classmates if they are stuck.

Pupils behave well in lessons and move around school quietly and sensibly. They
regularly hold doors open for other pupils, staff and visitors. They understand
different forms of bullying and discrimination. They know who to report this to if it
ever happens. Leaders respond quickly and effectively to pupils’ concerns.
The school is highly inclusive. Leaders ensure that pupils with special educational
needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are identified early and their needs are managed
well. Pupils receive strong support from staff and specialist professionals. The
leader for SEND carefully checks on provision and the progress pupils make. All
pupils have individual plans which set out clear targets for development. These
help pupils to achieve well.

Pupils have positive attitudes to learning and even the youngest children show high
levels of resilience. Pupils are focused during lessons and behave well. Disruption to
learning is rare because staff manage behaviour effectively.

Our areas for development are:

· To embed the new curriculum and ensure it is consistently delivered and
· To ensure mathematics is more focussed on problem solving and reasoning skills
and that all topics are taught well across the mathematics curriculum.
· To make sure that phonics continues to improve and that any gaps in learning
caused by pupil absence are addressed robustly.

Very importantly, the report also recognises that: The school has been through a
difficult time in the last few years due to turbulence and disruption caused at trust
level. This restricted the leadership team from taking the action it had identified
until recently. However, these issues have been resolved and the school is now
moving forward at pace.

You can read the full report below:

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